

本サイトが配布する楽曲(以下、「本楽曲」といいます。)は、作曲家「北 如来那」が自ら作曲・制作し、配布しています。利用者は以下に定める楽曲使用条件(以下「本楽曲利用条件」といいます。)に基づいて本楽曲を利用することができます。なお、利用者による音源の利用をもって、本楽曲使用条件に同意したものとみなします。


本楽曲に発生する著作権、著作隣接権その他著作権法を含む知的財産法上の一切の権利は、「北 如来那」に帰属します。本楽曲利用条件は、以下の条件で利用者が本楽曲を利用することを許諾するものであり、本楽曲の権利の一切を譲渡・移転するものではありません。なお、本楽曲は「北 如来那」自身が管理する楽曲であり、JASRACなどの著作権等管理事業者に管理を委託するものではありません。



  • 個人・法人、商用・非商用に関わらず利用できます。
  • 著作権使用料その他の費用は無償です。
  • 教育機関でのご利用は著作権法第35条に準じます。
  • 利用時のクレジット表記が必要です。_
    • クレジット:
      音楽:北 如来那


  • 利用期限、利用回数の制限はありません。
  • 加工(フェードイン・アウト、ループ、カット、音量・音質調整等)が可能です。




利用者は、本楽曲の利用に関し、「北 如来那」に無断で以下の行為を行うことはできません。利用者が「北 如来那」に無断で以下の行為を行った場合、「北 如来那」は利用者に対し本楽曲の利用許諾を遡って取り消すとともに、利用者が制作した音楽作品の配信停止、音楽作品の収益化の停止、その他UGCサービス上で取りうる措置を含む一切の措置を取ることができるものとします。

  • 本楽曲を視聴させることを主たる目的とした動画・静止画の配信その他の利用
  • <音楽作品での追加利用条件>を満たさない態様で音楽作品に利用すること
    (②を満たさない例)UGCサービス以外の媒体での配信・販売・上演等の利用(Apple MusicやSpotify等での配信やShazam等音楽認識サービスへの登録、BGMとしての配信、CDやオルゴールなど有体物の販売などを含みますがこれに限りません。)


  • 本楽曲または本楽曲を含む音楽作品その他の制作物を、音楽としてYouTubeのコンテンツID等のフィンガープリントに登録すること
  • 本楽曲または本楽曲を含む音楽作品その他の制作物をJASRAC等の著作権管理団体に登録すること
  • 本楽曲の権利者を偽称・僭称すること
  • 本楽曲を誹謗中傷する目的で配信すること
  • 宗教及び政治に関わる内容を含んだ動画で楽曲を利用すること
  • 本楽曲をAIや機械学習の学習データとして利用すること
  • 第三者に対して本楽曲の音源や楽譜を再利用許諾、再配布、譲渡、貸与、転売すること
  • 法令に違反する行為又は違反の恐れのあること
  • 公序良俗に反する行為又は犯罪を助長するようなこと
  • 「北 如来那」の名誉や信用を毀損する恐れのあること


「北 如来那」は、本楽曲の利用に関連して利用者が被った損害について、一切賠償の責任を負いません。


「北 如来那」は、本楽曲の配信をいつでも予告なしに停止する権利を有するものとします。ただし、利用者は、本楽曲を配信停止時までにダウンロードした楽曲を、本楽曲利用条件の下で継続して利用することができます。


「北 如来那」が必要と判断した場合には、利用者の事前の承諾を得ることなく、本楽曲利用条件を変更することができるものとし、変更後にダウンロードした楽曲については変更後の本楽曲利用条件が適用されるものとします。なお、「北 如来那」は、本楽曲利用条件を変更した場合はその内容を改訂履歴として掲示します。




2024年12月10日 初版


Free BGM Usage Terms of Use

The background music (hereinafter referred to as the “BGM”) distributed on this site is composed and produced by the composer “Yukina Kita” and distributed by “Yukina Kita”them. Users may use the BGM based on the following terms of use (hereinafter referred to as “these BGM Usage Terms”the “BGM Terms of Use”). By using the audio source, users are deemed to have agreed to these BGM Terms of Use.

■ Ownership of Rights and Management, etc.

All rights arising from the BGM, including copyrights, neighboring rights, and any other rights under intellectual property laws including the Copyright Act, belong to Yukina Kita. The BGM Terms of Use permits users to use the BGM under the conditions set below herein and do not permit the transfer or assignment of any rights of or to the BGM. Furthermore, please note that the BGM is managed by “Yukina Kita” themselves himself or herself and is not outsourcedentrusted to a copyright management organization such as JASRAC.

■ Terms of UseUsage Conditions

Please use the BGM for audio productions such as videos, games, podcasts, drama CDs, or as background music for physical or virtual[A1]  spaces. DThe distribution or use of videos or still images whereose main content is the BGM is the main content is prohibited as , or other uses as described in the below in the prohibited matters below, are prohibited.

EligibilityUsePurpose: Available for Can be used by individuals or corporations, and for commercially or non-commercial ly.uses

Fees: No copyright royalties or other fees required for usefees for copyright usage or other costs.

Educational Use: Use by educational institutions is governed by Article 35 of the[Japan’s] Copyright Act.

Credit: Credit required when using [the BGM]
 Credit: Music by Yukina Kita
 Pleare put the following links if you can.

Use age RestrictionsLimits: No restrictions on usage period or frequency number of uses.

Processing: EditingProcessing (fade in/out, looping, cutting, volume/quality adjustments, etc.) is allowed.

■ Additional Terms of Usage Conditions for Musical Works

When creating a musical work (thehereinafter referred to aseach a ” “”Mmusical Wwork””) based on the BGM, it is allowed only in the following casesif:

(i)            Creative Addition: Some form of musical creativity is added to the BGM, such as covering, arranging, adding vocals, sampling, etc., andAND

(ii)           Distribution Platform: The muMusical Wwork is distributed on user-generated content (UGC) services (such as YouTube, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), etc.) where it is available for free streaming.

■ Prohibited Matters

Users may not engage in perform the following acts with respect to regarding the use of the BGM without the permission of “Yukina Kita”. Ifn the event that a user commits performsin any of the following acts without permission from “Yukina Kita”, “Yukina Kita” may revoke the permission license  to use the BGM retroactively, and may take all measures including stopping suspend the distribution of the Musical Works produced created by the user, stopping suspend the monetization of the Musical Works, and take any and all other measures that can be taken available  on the UGC services.

l  Distribution of videos or still images wherefor the primary purpose is to have allow viewing of the BGM seen or heard, or other similar uses.

・Example: Using the BGM in visual works such as loop animations whereose main content is the BGM is the main content or whose the primary purpose is to facilitate the viewing or hearing of the BGM.

l  Using the BGM in Musical Works without meeting the requirements for Additional Terms of Use for Additional Usage Conditions for Musical Works:
・(Example of not meeting the requirement condition 1): Distribution or other use of the Musical Work Using BGM  without adding musical creativity, such as distributing adjusted mixed or looped versions, a work-s-in-progress background music collections, etc.or other similar uses.

・(Example of not meeting the requirement condition 2): Distributing, selling, performing, or other use etc., online media other than UGC services (including, but not limited to,  distribution on Apple Music or Spotify and the like, registration with music recognition services like such as Shazam, distribution as background music, sale of tangible items such as CDs or music boxes, etc., but not limited to these).

Usage of all or part of the BGM in Musical Works beyond the scope permitted by the Additional Terms of Use  for Musical Works Additional Usage Conditions for Musical Works.

l  Registering the BGM or a Musical Work containing the BGM as fingerprints, such as for the content ID on YouTube or other similar services.

l  Registering the BGM or a Musical Work containing BGM or sa similar work with a copyright management organizations like such as JASRAC.

l  Misrepresenting or falsely claiming to be the rights holder of the BGM.

l  Distributing the BGM for the purpose of defamation.

l  Using the BGM in videos containing religious or political content

l  Using the BGM as  training data for AI or machine learning

l  Re-licensing, redistributing, transferring, lending, or reselling the sound source or audio or sheet music sheet music of the BGM to any third parties.y

l  Engaging inCommitting acts that violate or may violate laws or regulationsmay violate laws.

l  Committing Engaging in acts that are offensive against public order and morals or any acts that encourages may promote crimes.

l  Committing anyEngaging in acts that may damage the honor or credit of “Yukina Kita.”

■ Disclaimer

“Yukina Kita” shall not be liable for any damages incurred by any users in relation to the use of BGM.

■ Suspension of Distribution

“Yukina Kita” reserves the right to suspend stop the distribution of the BGM at any time without prior notice. However, users may continue to use any BGM downloaded prior to the suspension of the before the distribution of the BGMis stopped under these BGM Terms of Usage Terms.

■ Changes to BGM Terms of Usage Terms

If “Yukina Kita” deems it necessary, he or she may change these BGM Terms of Usage Terms without obtaining prior consent from the users. The changed BGM Terms of Usage Terms will shall apply to any BGM downloaded after the changes. Further,  “Yukina Kita” willshall post the contents of the changes as a revision history.

■ Governing Law and Court Jurisdiction

These BGM Terms of Usage Terms shall be governed by Japanese law with respect to their in terms of their formation, execution, and interpretation. In the event of a dispute, the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance.

■    Language

The BGM Terms of Use is made in Japanese and translated into English. The Japanese text is the original and the English text is for reference purposes. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between these two texts, the Japanese text shall prevail.

<Revision History>

Dec.10, 2024 First Edition